Maximillian Truong



Hello! I'm Max and I'm currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Engineering at UC Irvine and will graduate in the Spring of 2027. I am a motivated and ambitious Computer Engineering student that seeks to expand my knowledge in different fields. I have interests in both application development and embedded software and want to develop skills that will allow me to become a great engineer.

Full Stack Development & Embedded Software

I have a strong foundation in programming languages such as Python, Javascript, and C++, as well as a strong background in mathematics and physics. I'm currently looking for opportunities to work on projects that will help me expand my skills and contribute to cutting-edge projects.

  • Phone: +714 904 6638
  • City: Garden Grove, CA
  • Degree: Bachelors
  • Email:

Based in Southern California, open to collaboration with others in projects, hackathons, business inquiries, and community-service

My Top Skills

Python 90%
JavaScript 90%
C/C++ 80%
Front End Development 80%
Backend Development 90%
AWS Deployment 70%



Max Truong

  • Garden Grove, CA
  • (714) 904-6638


B.S. in Computer Engineering with Spec. in AI/ML

2023 - 2027

University of California, Irvine

Professional Experience

LDN Lab, Full Stack Developer

2024 - Present

Irvine, CA

  • Developing multiplayer games for the leading Cognitive Science laboratory at UC Irvine

L3Harris Technologies, Software Integration Intern

2024 - Present

Anaheim, CA

  • Full stack development on centralized web application for GPS unit production/development that interfaces multiple company packages, softwares, and APIs
  • Created a centralized web application that allows L3Harris employees to configure various hardware units and analyze real-time embedded GPS data from PCB and FPGA test fixtures
  • Application created is utilized by entire jobsite to help maintain, produce, and develop GPS units
  • Engaged in a multi-year team-based project to integrate multiple APIs, industry-standard software, and proprietary packages

UCI Anteater Electric Racing, Embedded Systems Engineer

2024 - Present

Irvine, CA

  • Developing embedded systems and telemetry dashboard for an electrically-powered vehicle, connecting motor, engine, and driver interface
  • Analyzing vehicle battery, motor, and microcontroller sensor data from multiple races in order to optimize vehicle performance
  • Working in a team of 120+ members across 6 different subteams, ensuring vehicle maintenance and competitive design regulation, as well as improving driver experience

Headstarter AI, SWE Fellow

June 2024 - August 2024

New York, NY; Remote

  • Developed 5 AI Projects in 7 weeks
  • Worked in a team of 4 to develop web application for professional startup company
  • Learned:NextJS, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Firebase, OpenAI API
  • Networked with large companies and many of their professionals


Work-in Progress!

An AI-powered mental health tracking apps that includes cognitive assessments developed by clinical psychologists, daily mental health tracking features, and an AI chatbot that gives users insights on their mental health.

Built using: AWS ECS, FastAPI, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, OpenAI API, ChartJS, Big Calendar

Project 1


GitHub Deployment FigJam

An AI-powered chatbot that assists customers with inquiries and enhances user engagement. I built this project to learn more about using APIs and training AI models with dozens of user prompts to specialize this chatbot

Built using: ReactJS, NextJS, and OPENAI API

Project 1

Customer AI Chat Bot

GitHub Deployment
Project 2

A simple project that lets users track the contents of their pantries by adding and deleting items, as well as tracking the time that they were entered into the pantry. Additionally, an AI Chatbot was implemented that tracked the contents of the Pantry, allowing users to create recipes!

Built using: ReactJS, NextJS, OPENAI API, Firebase

Pantry Tracker

GitHub Deployment
Project 4

A telemetry dashboard for real-time electrical vehicle performance monitoring and data analysis.

Built using: FastAPI, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, and InfluxDB

Kilozott Dashboard (WIP)

GitHub Deployment